We held our annual Holiday Shopping Bazaar and Scholarship Luncheon on November 30, 2017. We dedicated the event in memory to Dr. Rochelle “Shelley” Lang. A special thank you goes to our amazing Luncheon co-chairs Gina Mell and Betsy McKibbon for organizing this exceptional day!
Our annual tradition of awarding Named Scholarships continued, as well. Another special thank you goes to Ann Hill and Kelly Purvis for their thoughtful leadership as we recognize the many contributions our members make to the important work of our League.
Please congratulate the following very deserving ladies who were honored this year for their devotion and service:
Lisa Barkett – Lisa was first honored with a Named Scholarship in 2009 and is being honored in 2017 for the completion of her term as a USC Trustee from 2012 to 2017.
Holly McCloskey – Holly joined the TLASDC in 2011. She immediately became involved with our Scholarship Committee and served as Chair from 2012 through 2014 and as Co-Chair for 2016-2017. Currently Holly is serving as Scholarship Chairman for 2017-2018. Holly also served as Alumni Day of SCervice Coordinator in 2013-2014. In addition, Holly served on the Board of Association of Trojan Leagues as Second Vice President, Admissions for the 2015-2016 term.
Betsy McKibbin – Betsy joined TLASDC in 2010. Over her seven years of membership, Betsy has served as Corresponding Secretary (2013-2014), Treasurer (2014-2016), and Alumni Day of SCervice Coordinator (2016-2017). Betsy is currently serving as Co-Chair for the Holiday Scholarship Luncheon.
Susan Richman – Susan has been a member of TLASDC since 2002. During every one of those 15 years of membership, she has loyally served our League as Recording Secretary! In addition, Susan has consistently participated in and supported numerous League events. In 2012, she received the Widney Alumni House Award from the USC Alumni Association in recognition of her loyalty, support and dedication to USC.
Congratulations, ladies, for your outstanding achievements and contributions to our League and to the university we all love. We are so honored to know you and celebrate with you.

Finally, a very special Named Scholarship was presented to honor Shelley Lang. It was received by Shelley’s brother and sister, Larry Lang and Sandy Lang. Shelley served as President of TLASDC from 2015-2017 and was elected to serve as President of Association of Trojan Leagues for 2017-2018. Shelley was previously honored in 2009 with a Named Scholarship Award in honor of her exceptional support of our League. Prior to becoming TLASDC President, Shelley chaired or participated on numerous committees and special projects within our League and the Alumni Association. In September, Shelley received the 2017 Widney Alumni House Award for her loyalty, support and dedication to the University, our League and our community. Shelleyembraced her leadership roles with enthusiasm, innovation, style and grace. She was a dedicated Trojan and she cherished the many friendships and bonds that she formed within the Trojan Family. Shelley will always be in our hearts and her special impact on our League will be felt for a very long time.

Holiday Luncheon Pictures
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